Perennial's Intent system is focused on giving traders & makers a near CEX like experience when utilizing the protocol. Perennial can achieve this leveraging Intents while also maintaining the liveliness & security guarantees that crypto users demand.
Intents allow users to submit trades as EIP-712 signed messages which will then be executed onchain by a Maker. The Maker will take the other side of the trade to flatten the skew created by the intent then settle the positions onchain to the underlying Market's AMM.
Guaranteed execution price - Intents allows traders to specify the exact price at which they want to execute their trades. Whether Market or Limit, these trades are filled by Solvers and settled into the AMM atomically.
Broader Liquidity - Makers can offer quotes on orders across all of Perennial markets from a single collateral pool. Expanding liquidity for traders and reducing complexity for makers.
No Passive Exposure - Rather than passively taking maker exposure in the AMM, Makers can actively choose which intents to make and receive exposure for.
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